الرؤية نيوز

دراسة تكشف عن تغيرات في عقول الرجال بعد ولادة أطفالهم


كشفت دراسة جديدة عن تغيرات كبيرة في أدمغة الآباء بين فترة ما قبل ولادة أطفالهم وما بعدها، حيث حدثت تغييرات رئيسية مرتبطة بالمعالجة البصرية والانتباه والتعاطف تجاه الأطفال.

وبحسب الباحثين، فإن تجربة رعاية الرضيع قد تترك بصمة في أدمغة الآباء الجدد، هذا ما يسميه علماء الأعصاب باللدونة الناتجة عن التجربة، مثل تغيرات الدماغ التي تحدث عندما تتعلم لغة جديدة أو تتقن آلة موسيقية جديدة.

وبالنسبة للأمهات، توصلت الأبحاث الحديثة إلى أدلة دامغة على أن الحمل يمكن أن يعزز المرونة العصبية وفق “سكاي نيوز عربية”.

وباستخدام التصوير بالرنين المغناطيسي، حدد الباحثون تغييرات واسعة النطاق في تشريح أدمغة النساء من قبل الحمل إلى ما بعده، وجندت الدراسة التي أجريت بالتعاون بين جامعتين واحدة في كاليفورنيا والثانية في مدريد، 40 رجلاً، 20 في إسبانيا و20 في كاليفورنيا.

ووضع كل واحد منهم في ماسح التصوير بالرنين المغناطيسي، ووجدت الدراسة العديد من التغييرات المهمة في أدمغة الآباء من فترة ما قبل الولادة إلى ما بعد الولادة والتي لم تظهر لدى الرجال الذين لم ينجبوا أطفالًا خلال نفس الفترة الزمنية.

واكتشف الباحثون أن العوامل الاجتماعية والثقافية والنفسية التي تحدد مدى تفاعل الآباء مع أطفالهم قد تؤثر بدورها على التغييرات في العقل الأبوي، وهذا ما يثير تساؤلًا حول ما إذا كانت السياسات الأسرية التي تعزز مقدار الوقت الذي يقضيه الآباء في رعاية الأطفال أثناء فترة ما بعد الولادة المبكرة قد تساعد في دعم نمو الدماغ الأبوي.

2 تعليقات
  1. KeithEnvit يقول

    Another key factor in attracting readers to your travel blog is the quality of your writing and visuals. People want to read about exciting and interesting travel experiences, but they also want to be entertained and engaged by the writing itself. If your writing is boring or difficult to read, readers are unlikely to stick around. Similarly, if your photos and videos aren’t high-quality and visually appealing, readers may not be drawn to your content.
    Engaging Writing and Visuals
    Practical Information and Tips
    Community and Interaction
    One of the primary reasons someone might choose your travel blog is if you have a particular area of expertise or authority on a particular subject. For example, if you specialize in adventure travel or budget travel, readers who are interested in those topics are more likely to be drawn to your blog. If you’ve been traveling for years and have lots of experience, your insights and tips can be incredibly valuable to readers who are planning their own trips.

    Adventuring Distance: 5e Travel Time

    Unique and Authentic Perspective
    Another key factor in attracting readers to your travel blog is the quality of your writing and visuals. People want to read about exciting and interesting travel experiences, but they also want to be entertained and engaged by the writing itself. If your writing is boring or difficult to read, readers are unlikely to stick around. Similarly, if your photos and videos aren’t high-quality and visually appealing, readers may not be drawn to your content.
    Finally, readers may be drawn to your travel blog if it offers a sense of community and interaction. If you respond to comments and engage with your readers on social media, readers are more likely to feel invested in your content and want to come back for more. Similarly, if you offer opportunities for readers to connect with one another, such as through a forum or Facebook group, readers may be more likely to choose your blog as a go-to resource for travel information.
    While many people read travel blogs for inspiration and entertainment, practical information and tips are also essential. Readers want to know the nitty-gritty details of how to plan a trip, including information on visas, transportation, accommodations, and budgeting. If you can provide valuable and detailed information on these topics, readers will be more likely to choose your blog as a resource.
    Community and Interaction

  2. KeithEnvit يقول

    Practical Information and Tips
    Finally, readers may be drawn to your travel blog if it offers a sense of community and interaction. If you respond to comments and engage with your readers on social media, readers are more likely to feel invested in your content and want to come back for more. Similarly, if you offer opportunities for readers to connect with one another, such as through a forum or Facebook group, readers may be more likely to choose your blog as a go-to resource for travel information.
    Overall, there are many reasons why someone might choose your travel blog over all the others out there. Whether it’s your expertise, engaging content, unique perspective, practical information, or sense of community, there are many factors that can make your blog stand out and attract a dedicated following.
    Unique and Authentic Perspective
    Traveling is one of the most exciting and fulfilling experiences a person can have, and it’s no wonder that it’s such a popular topic for bloggers. However, with so many travel blogs out there, it can be challenging to stand out and attract a dedicated following. If you’re wondering why someone should choose your travel blog over all the others, there are several compelling reasons.


    Finally, readers may be drawn to your travel blog if it offers a sense of community and interaction. If you respond to comments and engage with your readers on social media, readers are more likely to feel invested in your content and want to come back for more. Similarly, if you offer opportunities for readers to connect with one another, such as through a forum or Facebook group, readers may be more likely to choose your blog as a go-to resource for travel information.
    In addition to expertise and engaging content, readers are often drawn to travel blogs that offer a unique and authentic perspective. If you have a distinct voice or approach to travel, readers who are looking for something different may be drawn to your blog. Similarly, if you focus on off-the-beaten-path destinations or have a particular interest in local culture, readers who share those interests are more likely to be interested in your content.
    Community and Interaction
    Another key factor in attracting readers to your travel blog is the quality of your writing and visuals. People want to read about exciting and interesting travel experiences, but they also want to be entertained and engaged by the writing itself. If your writing is boring or difficult to read, readers are unlikely to stick around. Similarly, if your photos and videos aren’t high-quality and visually appealing, readers may not be drawn to your content.
    Overall, there are many reasons why someone might choose your travel blog over all the others out there. Whether it’s your expertise, engaging content, unique perspective, practical information, or sense of community, there are many factors that can make your blog stand out and attract a dedicated following.

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